Over 8000 people from Missouri lost their lives in World War II.


Missourians also contributed greatly to the war effort through their purchase of war bonds.  Altogether, people from Missouri bought $3 billion worth of bonds.  


Crop productions in Missouri were modified to assist in the war effort and many women and young people joined the workforce. 


Another large contribution to the war from the state of Missouri came in the form of repurposing buildings.  For example, O'Reilly General Hospital was used to house wounded soldiers and other locations served as holding places for prisoners of war.  


There were two military training sites in Missouri, Crowder and Fort Leonard Wood.  


Beginning in 1943, explosive propellant and R-2800 engines were manufactured in Missouri.  



O'Reilly General Hospital, used for wounded soldiers.  

Camp Crowder, where many WWII soldiers were trained.  

Soldiers training at Fort Leonard Wood. 

1st Lt. Fraser enlisted from the state of Missouri, where he grew up in his family's home.  

1st Lt. Fraser enlisted from Andrew County.